Jamieson Calcium + D3


500 mg + 1000 IU

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Calcium is a major mineral best known for its role building and
maintaining strong, healthy bones and teeth. Calcium, however, also
transports nutrients across cell membranes; produces hormones and
enzymes involved in digestion and metabolism; is involved in nerve cell
communication; promotes blood clotting and wound healing; and assists
with muscle contractions. While this essential mineral plays a role
throughout life, it is especially important for growing children and
adolescents to help establish bone mass for maintaining strong bones.
Emerging research shows that Vitamin D is a major ally in preventing
major diseases.

This is a classic combination for anyone looking for bone-building
calcium with the added benefit of disease-fighting Vitamin D for optimal
absorption. This synergistic formula helps to effectively treat and
reduce the risk of osteoporosis.


  • Maintains strong bones and healthy teeth
  • Helps prevent osteoporosis to reduce the risk of fractures later in life
  • May help reduce high blood pressure
  • Relieves symptoms of PMS
  • Aids in the nervous system, especially with impulse transmission
  • Supports colon health
Elemental Calcium (Carbonate) 500 mg

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 25 mcg/1,000 IU

Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Water-soluble cellulose, modified cellulose gum, triethyl citrate, polysorbate 80, Brazilian palm tree wax, titanium dioxide.

NO gluten, lactose, artificial flavours or preservatives.

Drug Interactions: Calcium and/or vitamin D can
interfere with tetracycline antibiotics, anticoagulants, and calcium
channel blockers. Consult your physician before use if you are taking
any thiazide diuretics, as these can cause extremely high (potentially
toxic) levels of calcium in the body.

Nutrient Depletions: Calcium can impair the absorption of the mineral iron.
Foods high in phosphorus (animal protein and soft drinks) promote
urinary loss of calcium. High consumption of caffeine, and excess
dietary fat and fibre can inhibit calcium absorption. Calcium and/or
vitamin D may be depleted by corticosteroids, bronchodilators,
anti-osteoporotics, cholesterol-reducing medications, anti-gout
medications, anti-tuberculosis drugs, Histamine (H2) blockers, oral
contraceptives, and sulfonamides.

Supportive Interactions: Vitamin D enhances calcium absorption. Garlic supplements along with calcium may help reduce high blood pressure.

Warnings and Precautions: None known when taken as directed

Toxicity, Adverse Warnings and Side Effects: Do not
exceed recommended dosage. Excess calcium can contribute to the
development of kidney stones, and may cause calcium deposits in the